Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common skin disorder, which often appears at around the age of three months, but can also develop at an earlier age. In newborns, atopic dermatitis is most frequently found on the face, particularly the cheeks and chin.
As the child gets older, the lesions become located mainly on the neck, skin folds around the elbows, wrist and behind the knees.
After each outbreak, there is a remission phase. These outbreaks often begin with a simple red patch on the skin that starts to itch. The skin becomes dry and rough in certain areas then starts to ooze before blisters form. If the skin is repeatedly scratched, it may become thick and crusty.
The condition can sometimes occur as a brief reaction and the symptoms may only last a few hours or days.
Click here to learn about the causes of Eczema
This article is brought to you by the skin experts from La Roche-Posay