It can be confusing trying to select the right glasses for your child, let alone finding a pair that they will wear without a fight, and a pair that will stand the test of time. Whether they are near sighted or short sighted, with an instruction to wear sometimes or all the times, there are lots of things to consider when you are purchasing that first pair.
You must be guided by what is prescribed so you should discuss the options recommended that would ideally suit the lens (your optician can help with this)
It can be difficult to get your child to wear their glasses (and to avoid getting teased at school) so you should try to encourage them and not to get too offended if they pick a pair that you don’t like – the object here is to get them to wear the glasses after all.
Children’s glasses are strong, hardwearing and attractive. Specsavers stocks metal or plastic frames in a variety of shapes and sizes, in bright colours or pastels – something for everyone. They are specially designed to fit properly and many include one or more extra features to make them comfortable, easy and safe to wear:
- Plastic lenses instead of glass
- Flexible hinges for added durability and better long-term fit
- Soft one-piece nose pads which cushion the glasses across the bridge; ideal for small noses
The optician will advise which are the most suitable.
Even though the lenses in children’s glasses are plastic instead of glass, the frames are not always suitable for sports, and as such you should get them separate glasses for sport.
When old pairs of glasses are being replaced, consider getting them made into a pair of sunglasses; your optician will be able to guide you with this.
And finally, get a backup pair, as with kids glasses are so easy to misplace, whether they are a strong prescription lens that your child is to wear all the time or those required for homework or reading, there’s never a good time to lose them.
Care tips:
- Remove glasses carefully using both hands
- Do not put glasses down on the lens surface
- Keep lenses clean and free from smears
- Occasionally wash them gently in warm, mild soapy water and rinse well