If you were hoping all the hard work is done once you have given birth, you will be surprised to learn this is not the case.
In fact, after the birth, you will have a whole host of other things to deal with, not including getting used to motherhood and a new baby.
You will experience overwhelming feelings of emotion as soon as you have given birth. Most of this is due to your hormones trying to get back to normal, but it can also be down to the fact that you are exhausted and overwhelmed. Don’t worry if you find yourself crying at the drop of a hat, it’s actually pretty common.
Lots of visitors
Your doorbell will constantly be ringing with well wishers popping in to see your new baby, and you of course. If you are not able for visitors, ask people to drop you a text before stopping by. This way you can be prepared for their visits.
Baby blues
Feeling down and unable to cope is not unusual after the bith of a baby. However, make sure you talk to your doctor if it starts to become unbearable.
Your baby belly
Don’t expect your stomach to go back to normal straight away. It can take weeks or even months for your stomach to contract back to its original shape. Don’t push yourself to get rid of any baby weight either, takes things slow and enjoy your time with your baby.
After you have given birth, expect to experience bleeding for up to six weeks after delivery. It will be pretty heavy for the first two weeks as your body sheds leftover blood, mucus and tissue but it should ease off after this. Don’t be surprised if you notice a few blood clots as this is pretty normal.
Unfortunately, cramps don’t stop after labour and you will experience postpartum pain in your stomach. This is actually your stomach contracting back to normal size but it shouldn’t last any more than a week.

