We all want to be the cool mum who hangs out with their son or daughter, going on day trips, sharing clothes and generally just being their friend.
However, while it is fantastic that you want to spend that time with your child, a line needs to be drawn between being their parent and being their friend.
1. You can end up over-sharing information
When you act like a friend with your son or daughter you often end up sharing information with them that they don’t need to know about. Finances, family troubles or complex adult problems should not be consulted with your youngster - it will cause them to feel unnecessary stress.
2. It’s hard to discipline them
Viewing you as their friend your child will struggle to understand when you try to use discipline. Unfortunately, they are more likely to ignore your requests or rebel against you when you do try to get them to do homework or come in at a certain time.
3. They won’t have anyone to go to
Growing up there are always certain things we tell our friends and certain things we tell our parents. But if there is no parent as such your little one will struggle with particular problems such as trouble in school or bullying, unsure of who to go to.
4. Your child will feel left out by their peers
Your child needs to hang out with boys and girls their own age to learn important life skills and develop themselves as individuals. But playing best friends with you can make them feel a little left out when it comes to being with kids their own age.
5. It can create a lack of stability
Your child needs someone who can guide them through right and wrong and help them make life decisions – the things a parent teaches them. However, if you act like their best friend they will be unsure of who to go to for parenting-related things.
6. They can lose a sense of authority
Being your child’s best friend can often leave them thinking they don’t have to adhere to school authorities as nobody at home will be there to enforce these rules.
Your child will have lots of friends throughout their life but they will only ever have one mum – the most important person of all.