Ok, while we admitted in a previous article that the first pregnancy was our favourite, that doesn't mean the others aren’t pretty awesome as well.


In fact, when you’re expecting baby number three, your nine months is just as amazing as your first time.


If you are feeling uncomfortable and eager to push Baby out, the following ten reasons will help you see just how incredible this time is.


You know exactly what to expect

Nothing will surprise you because you will know exactly what to expect! You won’t become frightened when you wake up to huge boobs, nor will you flinch when your waters break in the supermarket.  


You’re well used to the lack of sleep

Sleep? What’s sleep?!


You don’t need to buy anything

Cots, blankets, clothes, toys you’ve got so much stuff you could probably set up your own shop. Your home has quite literally become a child’s wonder house.


You are already a pro at this

Seriously, you have been through this so many times you could probably deliver your little one yourself!


You’re well used to the sibling fighting

Adding another one to the mix will be a breeze!


Nothing fazes you

From the mucus plug to doctors constantly prodding you around down there, you don’t even bat an eyelid when it happens now.


You aren’t worrying about every single thing

For your first pregnancy you spent the whole nine months worrying about every thing. But now you’re so used to the kicks and the random flutters that you feel a lot more relaxed – well, you would if you didn’t have two other kids to run around after.


You could drive to the hospital with your eyes closed

Whether you were giving birth or attending appointments, you’ve been back and forth to the maternity hospital so many times you could totally get there with your eyes closed! (Please don’t try this!)


You already have a wardrobe full of maternity clothes

You don’t need to buy a single piece of maternity wear; from underwear to dresses you’re already covered, and you totally don’t care if they look a little dated!


You’ve had ‘baby brain’ for so long now you can’t remember what it’s like not to have it

What were we talking about...?!


