As you celebrate your impending motherhood, you may indulge in things that aren't necessarily promoted in most pregnancy books. However, don’t let the guilt ruin your enjoyment – embrace the pleasures because after carrying around another person, you definitely deserve it.
Having a coffee
Seriously, if you were a coffee fanatic before, ditching ever single cup will make you go stark raving mad. To help you keep your sanity, and at the agreement of your doctor, indulge in a coffee once a week. Don’t feel guilty, you’re growing a child.
Not listening to advice
Don’t feel too bad about not listening to everyone’s advice. While most people mean well and just want to help, you can go into information overload. If it is getting to much tell them, thanks but no thanks. Don’t feel guilty, sometimes, enough is enough.
Eating takeaway food
If you are feeling bad about this one, just blame it on your hormones. However, indulging in a chipper once a month should not keep you awake at night. As long as you keep a healthy balanced diet, having a takeout now and again is ok.
Napping is a part of pregnancy that every woman should embrace. Don’t feel bad about enjoying a snooze even though the dishes are piling up in the kitchen, the shopping needs to be done or you’ve arranged to go for lunch with a friend. Remember, you are growing another person and need your rest, even if it seems like an inconvenient time.
Missing your prenatal yoga class
Don’t get down if you simply don’t fancy attending your yoga class or going for a walk tonight. Your baby will be ok if you skip your exercise regime every now and again.
Junk food
Eating chocolate everyday should not leave you feeling guilty. A lot of your cravings are down to hormones. As long as you are exercising and eating healthily otherwise, you should be ok.
Not doing your pelvic floor exercisesd
Don’t feel bad about not doing this every day. Sometimes you are just not in the mood. However, it is important to do it as often as you can – nobody wants a weak pelvic floor muscle.

