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Is forgetfulness or “pregnancy brain” real?

Forgetfulness during pregnancy is fairly common event. It's not something to worry about. It isn't a medical condition, though it may have a physical cause. One study discovered that some pregnant women suffer from a slightly impaired cognitive function affecting short-term memory, concentration and ability to retain new information. However, another study on rats indicated that pregnant rats were able to learn quicker and were better at problem-solving.

The forgetfulness may also come from feeling a little overpowered by the thoughts of the immense changes that becoming a parent brings. The concerns about the future can muddle the mind of even the most clear-headed person. Mums-to-be often have a lot happening, with the planning for birth, life with a brand new baby and very often moving house too.
There are strategies that you can do to help remember what is important and reduce your frustration:

1.    Carry a small notebook with you so you can jot down reminders.
2.    Try and keep a detailed daily calendar.
3.    Put items you use frequently such as keys, in one place.

Forgetfulness may be a sign to you that you need to simplify your life. Self-imposed stress can lead you to forget things too. You really don't need to wallpaper the kitchen today, just because you've been meaning to do it.
If this is your first pregnancy, try to relax. Make a little time to take long baths, have leisurely candlelit dinners, take long walks and spend time curled up with a good novel. If this isn't your first, then you already know the importance of finding help so that you can do those things. Absent-mindedness may be one of the many hallmarks of pregnancy, but the treatment can be pleasurable.

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