Even when you’re not pregnant hydration is an important part of staying healthy, however it becomes even more essential when you are carrying a baby. Your body needs water to build new tissue and produce more blood as well as carry all those extra nutrients that baby needs. It’s also used to form amniotic fluid and it flushes out toxins and wastes.
You are likely to suffer from indigestion and constipation throughout your pregnancy and water is a great way of helping with these problems. By helping your constipation you are also less likely to get hemorrhoids, another unpleasant side affect of pregnancy. Water will also decrease your chances of developing a urinary tract infection and edema.
Because of all the hormones racing through your body your skin is likely to become oily and develop acne. Drinking plenty of water can help keep your skin looking healthy.
Try and get eight cups of water each day. If it’s hot or if you’ve been exercising, you probably need even more. If you hate the idea of drinking eight cups of water every day then you’re free to include other fluids. Try drinking milk, juice, soup, sparkling water, tea and coffee (decaf only).