At this time of year roughly 600,000 families will hear where their child will be going to primary school in September but 80,000 are going to get disappointing news.


Councils are struggling to cope with the numbers thanks to the current “baby boom” that Britain is experiencing.


Not getting their first choice could mean children will have to go to school much further from where they live just to ensure they get a place somewhere.


With recent figures showing 23% of primary schools are "full or in excess of school capacity".


The Government has recently announced the plan to convert all schools into academies which critics say will only make the situation worse as class sizes shrink even further.



However, the Government is disputed these claims saying that their free school programme will only create more places for children.


And if that is the case, the question is, where will these places be created and will it be where they are needed?


Not only is there not enough spaces for children but also not enough teachers to teach them.


The overcrowding won’t disappear as the new academic year rolls around, it will move up through the ranks of the school system and constantly be an issue.


With a projected rise of 880,000 pupils by 2023, this issue isn’t going to go away.


With parties playing the blame game with regards to who was the culprit, parents wait to hear the fate of the children for this coming September.


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