Despite what many of us would like to think, pregnancy is not all about relaxing with your feet up on a comfy couch or eating all the chocolate you like, oh no.


The nine month journey can be wrought with a few things that many of us could do without, but the gorgeous little bundle at the end of it all is all that matters really.


Here are ten struggles that most pregnant women have to deal with on a daily basis: 


1. Finding the energy to get out of bed

You are just oh so tired!


2. Trying to get everything done while ignoring the nausea

The morning can be a bit of a nightmare when you are trying to get out of the house while trying to keep your nausea at bay.



3. Going to the bathroom at least five times before you’ve had your breakfast

The perils of being a mum-to-be!


4. Trying to find something to fit

You are seriously considering wearing your pyjamas for the rest of the nine months!



5. Trying to find a spot on the bus where nobody is leaning on your bump

It can get a little bit squishy in there, especially during rush hour!


6. Trying to get the seat belt to fit comfortably over your bump 

The bus is not looking so bad anymore...


7. Dealing with the constant: Is it a boy or a girl?

You’ve even considered wearing a sign that says what you’re having just to keep nosy parkers away!



8. Weird fluttering feelings at inappropriate times

Usually when you are sitting in a very important meeting and you can’t help but giggle and gasp at the sheer joy of it!


9. Walking up and down the shopping aisle reading the ingredients to see if there’s anything you can actually eat

Everything seems to contain soft cheese...


10. Strangers who think it’s ok to touch your belly

You have at least three more months of this to deal with...




