When you announce your pregnancy to everyone they automatically think that you are free to be asked all kinds of personal and awkward questions.


And while most are well intentioned some can make you feel a little awkward and slightly embarrassed, and thinking if you should feel obliged to answer them all!


Here are fifteen awkwardly, annoying questions that you are likely to be asked.


1. You look like you’re ready to pop. You must be due soon?

Way to make a lady feel huge, uncomfortable and awkward.


2. You sure there’s just one in there?

Didn’t your mother never tell you not to comment on a woman’s weight?


3. Are your stretch marks really bad already?

Well firstly, what’s your definition of bad? And secondly, maybe she doesn’t want to talk about it!



4. Has your belly button popped out yet?

Why anyone would want to let alone need to know this is beyond recognition.


5. Are you still pregnant?

No, she just likes to pretend she is.


6. You look so small. Are you eating enough?

Not all women blow up when expecting, some are lucky enough to have a small, neat bump that is not reflective of what they eat for dinner.



7. Are you glad you don’t look pregnant from behind?

Well the bump is at the front so it would be a little weird if she did. 


8. Are you planning on pushing without painkillers?

Firstly, don’t talk about the birthing experience. Secondly, it’s none of your business.


9. Are you going to breastfeed?

Some women want to feed but can’t, some just don’t want to at all and others have yet to decide. Just avoid this like the plague.



10. Are you a little freaked out?

She probably never even thought about being freaked out, until now that is....


11. Are you ready to become a mum?

Well, it’s a bit late now if she’s not.


12. How old will you be when Baby graduates?

Weight and age are no-go areas. 



13. Have you had that baby yet?

If you have to ask then the answer is more than likely no.


14. Do twins run in the family?

We’re pretty sure the mum knows if she’s having twins or not.


15. Was it planned?

This is no one’s business. 




