Citizens Advice have said that new and expectant mothers are reporting increasing levels of unfair treatment at work.


The charity has seen a rise of 25% in the number of women seeking their help and advise and experiencing cuts in their hours, being moved to zero-hours contracts or even being pushed out of their jobs after becoming pregnant.


Any discrimination based on pregnancy or maternity by employers is illegal.


In the last year, 1,921 people have turned to Citizens Advice for their services because of discrimination at work.


One case of a woman whose hours were cut by more than half after she told her employer she was pregnant.


It was said there was not enough work available despite taking on new staff at the same time.


Another case heard how a woman contacted her employer to ask why she had not received any of her maternity pay to hear that they had ended her contract while she was on leave.


And Citizens Advice are not the only ones to have seen issues, recent research by the Equality and Human Rights Commission found it to be true also.


It found that 77% of mothers reported possibly discriminatory experience in their employment during their pregnancy, maternity leave or on their return to work.


Chief executive of Citizens Advice, Gillian Guy told the BBC:


"People with a baby on the way will have a lot on their minds already. The last thing they need is a threat to their income or job security.


"All employers should respect and uphold the rights of staff who are new parents or expecting a baby."


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