Pregnancy is an overwhelming and exciting time, but there are a few things that can put a damper on your joy. 


From sickness to pain, many of us go through rough times when expecting - well you are GROWING another person!


Thankfully, however, there are plenty of things you can do to feel better.


Here we have the five most common pregnancy ailments and what you can do to alleviate the symptoms: 


1. Morning sickness

  • Eat smaller meals and snack more frequently
  • Nibble on crackers to minimise nausea
  • Eat a dry slice of toast before getting out of bed
  • Drink ginger tea, is you can keep it down
  • Avoid food that has a strong smell

2. Needing to urinate frequently

  • Drink plenty of fluids during the day
  • Consume less in the evenings
  • Don’t allow yourself become dehydrated


3. Haemorrhoids

  • Relieve constipation to avoid added pressure on blood vessels
  • Up your dietary fibre intake
  • Consume prune juice or dried prunes
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid standing or sitting for too long
  • Use an ice pack on the affected area

4. Back pain

  • Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time
  • Ask someone to massage the area
  • Soak in a warm bath
  • Place a hot water bottle on the affected area
  • Talk to your doctor is it starts getting worse

5. Heartburn

  • Avoid wearing tight trousers
  • Don’t go to bed on a full stomach
  • Avoid high-fat foods, citrus juices or fruits, spicy food and caffeine
  • When in bed ensure your head and chest is higher that your feet

SHARE with a mum-to-be who is going through one or all of these ailments. 


