Many women deliver via caesarean for a number of reasons, including a breech baby, while some just choose to go down that route.
While it may take a lot longer to get over a c-section that a vaginal delivery there are a few good things about having one
You will know when your baby is due
If your caesarean is scheduled, you will be able to plan around the due date without worrying about going over. You will be able to have everything ready and avoid the stress of worrying when your baby will arrive.
It will be a lot quicker than a natural delivery
Just as with a vaginal delivery, a caesarean section can be uncomfortable and you are likely to feel tugging. Thankfully, they only last about three to four hours from start to finish.
You can organise visitors
Knowing when your baby is due is handy for family and friends who live out of town as they can plan when they visit and get time off work a lot easier.
You won’t have the pain of contractions
When you have a planned caesarean you won’t experience contractions or feel pain between your vagina and perineum, common after a vaginal birth. While you will have a sore wound you will be able to manage it with painkillers.
You will experience less bleeding after birth
Heavy bleeding after a vaginal delivery is common and while you will still experience it, it won’t be as bad.
You are less likely to suffer from stress incontinence
Leaking urine when you laugh or sneeze is common after birth as an epidural can block feelings around your bladder or a catheter can make it harder to control when you wee. This is less likely to happen after a caesarean..
The risk of a prolapse is reduced
Having a C-section may help to protect against the risk of your uterus slipping into your vagina; however, there are other factors that can cause this, including the number of babies you’ve had.
No matter the positives, a caesarean section involves major surgery on your abdomen and should not be looked at lightly.

