Whether you plan on finding out the sex of your baby or not, most of us are guilty of trying to guess if it's a boy or a girl. From baby shower games to old wives' tales, there's a whole host of ways to try to figure it out.


So for a bit of a laugh, we decided to pull a number of old wives' tales that suggest Baby is a girl - so you might want to stop reading if you don't want to know! 


1. You sleep on your right side 

Although this definitely depends on how comfortable (or more likely uncomfortable) you are feeling that night!


2. Your left breast is bigger than your right

Hopefully not noticeably bigger...


3. When you eat a clove of garlic and you don’t smell after than you are having a baby girl

You just have to eat the garlic first... hashtag gross!


4. You’re more bloating than blooming

Only those carrying boys apparently experience the real pregnancy bloom!


5. Your urine doesn’t react when baking soda is added

Basically you have to fill a cup with your urine and then add baking soda. If it doesn’t fizz then you are having a girl.


6. You have baby soft skin

Those having boys are blessed with dry skin so at least that’s something good!


7. However, those carrying girls will have limp, dull hair

Guess you can’t have everything!


8. The wedding ring test

Tie a wedding ring to a piece of string and hang it over your bump. If it swings in a circle then you're having a girl.



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