Gender reveals can be so fun and exciting, and there are so many interesting ways to find out whether you're having a boy or a girl.


Now of course there are ultrasound reveals, which are pretty darn scientific, but there are other, less invasive, ways to find out the sex of your bub. 


Check out these alternative ways to tell the gender of your baby, and let us know if any of them have worked for you!


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1. Your skin

According to legend, girls steal their mother's beauty, so if you find yourself breaking out with spots then you may be expecting a daughter. 


2. The pee test

People believe that your babies gender lies in your pee. Bright yellow urine indicates a boy and dull yellow urine indicates a girl.


3. Cravings

Some theories suggest that if you crave sweet things during pregnancy you're are having a girl. If you crave savoury food (pickle alert), then you have a little boy on the way. 


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4. Morning sickness

Some people believe that bouts of nausea in your first trimester mean you were more likely to have a girl than if you had an easy, vomit-free pregnancy.


5. Your boobs

Ah, the wonder of boobs. Apparently if your left breast feels larger, it's a boy and if the right is heftier, you've got a girl.


6. The key test

This one is a bit of an old wive's tale, but fun to do.  Place a key in front of you, and if you pick it up by its top then you're going to have a girl. If you naturally pick it up by the narrow end, it's a boy. 


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7. Foetal heart rate  

Apparently, if your baby's foetal heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, it's a girl, and if its less than 140 beats per minute, it's a boy.


8. Your bump

Some people say that if you're carrying high and on the sides, you're expecting a little girl. If your bump is low or if it looks to be a perfectly round, it's a boy.


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