Being a mum is tough. The job are endless and more often than not we complete them without a word of thanks from our little darlings or our significant other!


Why not make your life a little easier by enlisting the help of your little one; there are plenty of chores that they can do around the home to give you a little helping hand:


1. Vacuuming

Your little one has probably known how to use a sweeping brush since the toddler years, but now is the ideal time to get them used to using a vacuum cleaner. The hall or the bathrooms are small enough rooms that your little one will be able to manage them with no problem.


2. Washing

Ok, while we might not want them putting a load on themselves, your little one is well able to bring the dirty clothes from their room to the washing machine. And while they might struggle to reach the washing line or the top of the clothes horse, they should be more than capable of at least helping you take the wet clothes out and even putting them on the lower rings of the horse.


3. Setting the table

Setting the table is a chore most of us mums had to do growing up and it shouldn’t be any different for your child! If you have more than one child they can take turns setting the table and clearing away the dishes – and not just to the sink, actually putting them in the dishwasher!


4. Feeding the family pet

The family pet is everyone’s responsibility not just mums! So assign your child jobs such as taking the dog out to the toilet or feeding them in the morning/afternoon. This way they will appreciate just how hard it is taking care of an animal.



5. Making their bed

There is nothing more frustrating than having to make four or five beds every morning, so get the kids to help out. Encourage them to get up five minutes early so that they have plenty of time to fix their sheet and spread out their duvet.


How to get them to do it:

Ok, while your kids are well able to do a number of chores, getting them to actually help out is a whole other story:

  • Assign a chore list to each child for the week
  • Be consistent in what you are asking them to do
  • Have a family reward at the end of the week when everyone has done their jobs


SHARE if you'll be giving your kids more chores to do. 

