A team of scientists in Madrid believe they may have developed a test which will contribute to the rate of successful IVF treatments.

According to recent research, specific timing, unique to each woman, plays a massive role in IVF treatment, with Professor Garcia-Velasco saying: "We think that about 15 per cent of cases of implantation failure are simply due to bad timing."

As it stands, a woman seeking fertility treatment undergoes an ultrasound in order for medical professionals to assess the general health of the womb. At certain points in a woman's cycle, normally lasting between two and four days, the lining of the womb releases a signal which suggests implantation may occur, but this may not be specific enough to ensure successful implantation.

According to the recent study, each woman has her own individual fertility window which researchers believe contradicts the notion that the window of implantation is 'constant in all women'.

In a bid to remedy this issue, a  test which will be tailored to the individual woman's fertility cycle and involves taking a biopsy of the woman's womb lining which will indicate whether an embryo can be successfully implanted in the womb.

238 genes from the lining of the woman's womb will then be analysed to determine when exactly the lining of the womb will be most receptive to an implanted embryo.

Speaking to the Guardian newspaper, the research scientist goes on to say: "I think it [the test] will make a significant difference in the expectations of couples and how we can explain failures."

Approximately 2,500 women from more than 10 countries who have suffered numerous failed IVF treatments are taking part in a clinical trial of the test led by Professor Garcia-Velasco.

