Hands are usually one of the first parts of our bodies to age, which is owing to a number of factors. Not only are our hands constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment, but we also put them to good use throughout the day. Luckily, there are ways to keep our hands looking younger without breaking the bank. Here are some easy ways to naturally nourish your hands and keep them looking youthful.
- To prevent dry, flaky and irritable skin and to keep your hands soft, rub a thick, rich hand cream into them daily. We recommend Dove Pro Age Nourishment Hand Cream. For an extra treat, cover your hands with cotton gloves after applying. This locks in moisture and will leave your hands feeling as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
- Always wear rubber gloves when you are washing the dishes or hand washing clothes. Washing soaps are alkaline, a substance that is hard on both the skin and nails. It is best to avoid direct contact with alkaline as it can lead to irritable skin and brittle nails.
- Keep your cuticles neat. Cuticles function as barriers to bacteria and fungus, but they can often overgrow. Use a cuticle pusher after a shower to keep them in line. Apply a cuticle cream or balm to encourage healthy nail growth and protect the cuticle.
- Apply sun cream to your hands every day. This will prevent UV damage to the skin, one of the main causes of premature ageing.