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How can I prevent pregnancy stretch marks?

One of the most dreaded parts of pregnancy is the possibility of stretch marks. A growing baby is a blessing but also changes the layout of your skin in order to make room for your child and the placenta. While skin is elastic, when your body grows quickly it can take some time to bounce back to normal. This, of course, causes the infamous stretch marks.

There is no definite way to prevent stretch marks and the number you have will depend entirely on how much your body stretches to make room for your baby. There are plenty of products on the market that promise to help you get rid of your stretch marks but there is no proof that any of them actually work – including the popular remedy, cocoa butter.

There are some things you can do to help prevent them such as drinking plenty of water and staying moisturized. Genetics play a large role in whether or not you will develop stretch marks and their severity.  If you are having a big baby, or have gained too much weight rapidly, then you are a good candidate.

Some pregnant mums swear by certain creams and lotions and it shouldn’t hurt to try a few to see what works such as almond oil, shea butter, and other essential oils. Please be certain to discuss any possible lotions or creams with your doctor before using. If your stretch marks are out of control, contact a dermatologist for a prescription to ease your stretching.

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