Fertility is a complex and mysterious thing. In order to solve the riddle of infertility, your fertility expert, your spouse and you will need to work together.
Your doctor will ask in-depth questions regarding your sexual history. Be prepared to answer some intimate and sometimes embarrassing questions. Your doctor is not only going to ask about miscarriages, abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases, but you will also be asked about your sexual habits. Your doctor is going to want to know how often you and your husband make love and whether or not you use lubricants.
Put your embarrassment and sense of privacy aside. Part of the quest to solve infertility is providing information and data. Answering these questions is the first step to your doctor getting the full picture.
After the interview, your doctor may want to run some tests. There will be blood tests checking for hormone levels. There will be tests regarding your ovary function. There may be biopsies ultrasounds, and x-rays, as well as basal temperature testing and charting. There may also be semen analysis.
Your doctor may run a post-coital test. This involves your doctor examining your cervical mucus twenty-four hours after you and your husband have intercourse on a specific day of your cycle.
Finding the cause of fertility issues is the first step toward solving the problem.