Becoming a mother is an intense, life changing experience. No matter how many conversations you have with friends who have children, nothing can prepare you for the changes ahead. Every woman is different, every birth is different, every baby is different.


Kate Carbery’s Becoming Mum strives to give you an honest, sometimes frighteningly honest, account of motherhood. In a society where we tend to keep talk of childbirth and challenges a bit of a secret, this book will spill the beans on everything. And we mean everything. In a special way, the book will become the friend who reassures you that you aren’t losing your mind and you will finish it feeling relaxed, happy and relieved.


With a mix of tips and advice and honest accounts from 40 real mums, you will come out the end knowing that you aren’t alone. No matter what crazy thought you've had, strange thing you’ve done you will no doubt read another woman’s experience of it. Like Deborah “who secretly hoped for a bit of a tummy tuck” during her caesarean or Sarah who speaks honestly about the pain of labour admitting she was a little “shocked at how much it does hurt, how it comes in waves and how much you need to control it.”


The book read likes a conversation that you would have in a mother and baby group – it’s natural, casual and amusing and there is absolutely no judgement whatsoever. But it’s not all scary labour talk or the unpleasant parts of pregnancy with lots of lovely accounts throughout, like Gemma who revealed one of the nicest presents she ever got “was a few stews that appeared at our door.” 


Kate Cabery knows all too well the perils of becoming mum. With two small kids of her own she knows exactly how you feel. So whether you are preparing for childbirth, have just become a mum or fancy having a read of what other people have to say, the book will have everything you need.

