Siblings either love or loathe each other - there is never anything in between.
And while one minute they might be the best of friends, the next they can literally be pulling each other’s hair out.
If this sounds like a familiar scenario in your home, the following tips will hopefully help them get along, at least most of the time.
Don’t favour one over the other
Your kids are going to be vying for your attention and this can often make them feel like they need to compete to get you to notice them. We know that each child is different so try to do things for them or with them that make them feel special.
Let them get on with it
Sibling rivalry is common and for some it can even be beneficial, helping them to push themselves to do their very best. Unless you can see the problem escalating beyond the small issue is it now, just let them get on with it. If you are constantly wading in and fixing their problems for them they won’t be able to learn how to do it themselves.
Do things as a family
One of the most effective ways to get your kids to do things together is to go out as a family. This way it won’t feel like they are being forced to spend time together.
Offer guidance
Sometimes a little guidance goes a longer way than if you get involved in their problem. When they start to argue over something small like someone playing with a toy that they want, give them a chance to work it out on their own and a consequence if they don’t. Saying something like: ‘You have to work this out otherwise I’ll take it off you both'.
Don’t make any comparisons
Avoid saying things like 'well your brother got an A in his maths, why not you?' Or 'your sister has no problem learning to swim, why not you?' Making comparisons will only make them start to resent each other causing any small problem to escalade.