It is important you look after your back during pregnancy - as your ligaments loosen and your bump causes extra strain you are more prone to pulling something. While back ache is pretty common during the later stages, there are a few things you can do to minimise this.
There are a number of ways to protect your back - here are five of the most effective ways:
Stand correctly
If you are on your feet for long periods of the day, it is important you stand correctly. To do this, keep your shoulders back and thrust your chest out - not too much though, it should feel natural. Your knees shouldn’t lock together, but they shouldn’t be loose either. Also make sure you don’t stand in one spot for too long - move around.
Sit correctly
Another way to protect your back is to ensure you are sitting the right way. Sit with your feet at a 90° angle, keeping them flat on the floor. Again, just like with standing, avoid staying in the same position for too long. When getting up off the chair, slide your bum to the edge and push up with your hands.
Avoid lifting anything too heavy
Try to avoid lifting anything that is too heavy for you, but if you can’t, make sure you lift correctly. Always remember to lift with your legs and not with your back. Bend your knees as if you are going to sit down, keep your back straight and lift with your thighs.
Sleep correctly
The way you sleep in bed can also put pressure on your back. To avoid straining yourself, make sure your back is supported either by a pregnancy pillow or a normal cushion. Don’t lie on your stomach or on your back and make sure your head pillows aren’t too high to avoid hurting your neck.
Wear correct footwear
Avoid wearing high shoes that can cause you to stumble and twist your back, especially during the third trimester. Stick with flat, but not too flat, shoes that are comfortable.

