Having children is absolutely amazing - we would absolutely NEVER dispute that fact. 


However, none of us can deny that bringing babies into the world can be less than picture-perfect. Whether it is a c-section or a vaginal birth, we all know nothing can EVER been the same again. Bye-bye trampolining, star-jumps and carefree sneezing - no matter the way your little one came into the world! 


Most people assume that once labour has passed, and pushing has ended, the worst is over. 


For many women, this is not actually the case. 


After your brand new human arrives, a lot of things go on in the body, and many of them can have annoying effects on your 'lady region' - that's what we're calling it from now on. 


Now, these things will not affect everyone, and may occur at different levels - but we feel that forewarned is forearmed - especially when it comes to vaginal births.


1. There will be blood. 


Postpartum bleeding is pretty normal, and usually, it is nothing to worry about. 


It is a totally natural part of the post-pregnancy healing process, that comes from the shedding of the uterine lining and the site of the placenta attachment.


Top tip: have some sanitary towels on hand - this will be especially important after the giant pads the hospital supplies which are beyond HUGE.


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2. Things loosen up a bit. 


At the end of the day, you are pushing a tiny human out of you - so how could things not alter a bit down there? Your amazing body does quite a bit of stretching in order to provide an exit route for the baby.


And while your vagina may never return to what it once was (that's just life though, isn't it?), doing Kegel exercises can help any of those slightly loosened vaginal muscles. 


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3. Oh, the DRYNESS. 


If you are breastfeeding, your levels of Oestrogen could be lower, which may result in post-partum vaginal dryness. Thankfully, this dryness tends to disappear once breastfeeding stops, and you start having periods again.


However, if the dryness is getting on your last nerve (we feel you) then use a lubricant to keep things comfortable down there.


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4. Peeing may be trickier than usual. 


New mums that are healing from vaginal and perineal tears often use irrigation bottles to clean their vaginal area, instead of irritating the wounded areas by wiping with toilet paper. It is just a glorified squeezy bottle filled with tepid water and perhaps a drop of witch hazel.


This means that heading to the loo can be a little more time consuming - but sure look, it's all worth it. 


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5. Sex will probably hurt for a while. 


Doctors will recommend waiting at least six weeks before getting back in the (sex) saddle - but even after all that time, you may still experience some pain as scar tissue may affect things a little. 


One really important thing to remember is not to suffer in silence; if sex is hurting you, give your doctor a call,  it may be an indicator that tissue isn't healing properly. 


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6. Stitches may be necessary.


We apologise in advance, but we promised you some honest facts. 


Pushing a  tiny human out of you may result in small lacerations, known as perineal tears, and may require stitches in order to heal. However, these tears heal in a few weeks and are usually pain-free. 


So, it's not all bad news. 


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It really is a pain in the (front) bum, but let's be honest, those little smiles make the pain all worth it!

