Individual blueberry puddings

Individual blueberry puddings

280g blueberries

65g + 45g sugar

1 egg

80 ml whipping cream
85g self-raising flour

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C (180 degrees C).

Tip the blueberries into a bowl, with 125ml of water, 65g of sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice.

Coat the blueberries well with the mixture and divide evenly between four or five ramekins.In a separate bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp of sugar, the egg and the cream.

Gradually add in the flour and mix until just combined, taking care not to over mix.

Pour the mixture over the blueberries and sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top.  Place onto a baking tray and bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.


Main ingredients
Dairy, Fruit, Eggs

Recipe Type
Cakes & Baking, Dessert, Easy Recipes, Entertaining, Quick Meals, Cake Stall

Special Info
Gluten free, Vegetarian

Level of Difficulty

For a gluten free version of this recipe, simply substitute the flour with a gluten free version.

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