If you’re excited about the impending arrival of a new baby, the Life in the Womb app is definitely for you.
The Science Picture Company’s new pregnancy app for iPad allows expectant parents and siblings to follow their baby’s journey from conception to birth.
If you’re a first-time parent, this app will be the bible by which you can chart the growth and development of your baby through the 40 weeks of pregnancy.
Among other things, it allows you to watch the baby’s heart beat for the first time, read week-by-week guides to pregnancy and see which parts of your baby are developing through interactive features.
Our Mum-in-Residence, Laura Haugh, took the app for a test drive here at MummyPages HQ and this is what she thought:
“I am speechless, this app is incredible. With two toddlers at home, my pregnancies seem so long ago now, but experiencing the Life in the Womb app brought it all back to me. I even found myself getting a little emotional as I navigated through each week. I know it seems crazy, but the images are so life-like that you feel as though you’re this privileged person with a unique window into this miracle of new life, watching it transform before your eyes from a cluster of cells to a kicking baby.
“I’m so sorry this app wasn’t around when I was pregnant, especially for the first time. I was so thrilled to be pregnant and was hungry for information as to what to expect from week to week.
“My partner found it hard to get as excited about the baby as I was with each passing week of my pregnancy. It just wasn’t real to him until we were holding our little bundle in our arms. So much so, that we decided to find out the sex of our baby, just so it wasn’t an ‘it’ anymore and he could start bonding with our unborn child. We had a little pet name that we used, and he came with me to every single scan just for a glimpse (albeit a grainy black & white one) of our baby. I think we could have shared the whole wonderful pregnancy experience together much more if we had had something as innovative as the Life in the Womb app to refer to.”
View a demo of the Life in the Womb app here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxu-ImR4n5Q
Life in the Womb is now available for iPad users at just £2.99 here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id719075526

