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Your search on pregnancy has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How will my body heal after a vaginal birth?
how will my body heal after a vaginal birth? what took your body nine months to develop, takes a matter of weeks to transform you back to the woman you were before your pregnancy. it is no wonder that...
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Is it safe to continue breastfeeding while pregnant?
...pregnancy by drinking plenty of liquids to keep up your milk supply. another reason to drink plenty of fluids is because breastfeeding can dehydrate you, which is dangerous for the baby you are...
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What are the benefits of breastfeeding?
...pregnancy state a lot faster. mothers who breastfeed save a lot of money as well. breast milk is free, and breastfed children become ill less often, thus reducing the costs of medical bills. these are...
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There are so many books out there for mums. What about dads?
there are so many books out there for mums. what about dads? forewarned is forearmed and by reading books about pregnancy and parenting, you can get all the information you need. it’s true...
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How can the intrauterine system prevent me from falling pregnant?
...pregnancy by thickening the cervical muscles at the womb entrance. this makes it difficult for the sperm to get through. at the same time, it thins the lining of the womb, which prevents eggs from...
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Why does my skin seem more oily (or more dry) since I had my baby?
...pregnancy, your body released many hormones. these levels are normalising now, but this can and does affect your skin. you may have had clear skin during pregnancy and find that you now suffer from...
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My husband wants me to have sex but I’m not ready.
...pregnancy and giving birth has on your body, that you are not attractive anymore. there is no doubt that your husband will waste no time in telling you that he finds you just as desirable as you were...
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What is a vasectomy and is it safe?
...pregnancy. if you have made a firm decision to not have any more children, then a vasectomy is a good choice for you and your partner. convenience and freedom are the main benefits - no more condoms...
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What is tubal ligation and what does it involve?
...pregnancy. this is where the egg plants itself outside the uterus, normally in one of the fallopian tubes. it is possible for tubal ligation to be reversed, but women should not rely on this. this...
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Post-natal exercise: When will your body be ready?
...pregnancy loosens your joints and ligaments and that you won’t be able to resume your pre-pregnancy workouts immediately. if you stopped exercising during pregnancy, or you’ve never...
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My wife wants another child but I'm not sure I'm ready. What should I do?
...pregnancy. since your wife has to bear the risk and discomfort, talk to her about how she feels about another pregnancy. make sure she is ok about the extra difficulty she has to go through while...
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Breastfeeding and losing weight: how can I do it safely?
...pregnancy, try not to rush things. take it slow, enjoy your baby, eat healthily and do some moderate exercise. the weight will come off eventually, and no one expects you to be back in your...
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Is it normal to lose hair after giving birth?
is it normal to lose hair after giving birth? it is quite normal for mothers to lose hair after giving birth; the amount of hair lost differs though. due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy, your...
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Is it normal not to want sex after having a baby?
...pregnancy and the trauma of giving birth, a woman's body needs to heal and recover. hormonal changes that take place after pregnancy are big, and these affect women in different ways. experiencing...
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How will breastfeeding change the appearance of my breasts?
how will breastfeeding change the appearance of my breasts? your breasts will undergo changes during pregnancy; while most of the changes will revert to normal once the baby has stopped breastfeeding...
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How soon after I have had my baby is it safe to travel?
how soon after i have had my baby is it safe to travel? if you’re planning a post pregnancy trip, make sure that you bear a few guidelines in mind. if you’re planning a holiday or a trip...
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I was told that anal sex after childbirth can be dangerous. What should I know before I try it?
...pregnancy and this can make anal sex painful or uncomfortable. the best advice, as with vaginal sex, is to wait until after your post partum check up and until your doctor or healthcare provider has...
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How can I get rid of stretch marks?
how can i get rid of stretch marks? although stretch marks naturally become less visible within the first few months after pregnancy, you may way want to speed up the healing process or minimize their...
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I’m not happy with the way I look since my baby arrived. What can I do?
...pregnancy body. it seems unfair, doesn’t it? you’ve spent nine months with no control over your body and then you have to wait even longer to look good again! the truth is though that your...
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Can I breastfeed even though I have inverted nipples?
...pregnancy, so that your breasts are ready when your baby arrives) special exercises designed to help you draw the nipple out even women with inverted nipples can breastfeed, and your lactation advisor...
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