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Your search on pregnancy has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How can I safely treat heartburn while pregnant?
how can i safely treat heartburn while pregnant? how to deal with heartburn during pregnancy for many pregnant mothers, heartburn is a brand new problem. plus there is the concern of using over the...
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Are there any safe natural supplements that I can take when I am pregnant?
...pregnancy; however, you must be careful with supplements as they are all not safe for your baby. safe supplements include alfalfa, chamomile, and fish oil. alfalfa is loaded with vitamin k and is...
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Sharp, piercing pain in my pelvic area. What could be causing it, and should I worry?
sharp, piercing pain in my pelvic area. what could be causing it, and should i worry? many women will experience pain in their pelvic and abdominal region during pregnancy, known as round ligament...
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Will our relationship change after baby?
...pregnancy. women already in abusive relationships often reported that the abuse escalated during pregnancy. it is believed that pregnancy in some relationships can be the trigger for domestic...
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Prenatal vitamins: do I need them and how to choose?
prenatal vitamins: do i need them and how to choose? taking care of your body before and during pregnancy first and foremost, you should be taking care of your body long before you consider becoming...
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What are the prenatal tests during the third trimester?
what are the prenatal tests during the third trimester? knowing what tests you will do during the third trimester as you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, there is the possibility of several...
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Are you pregnant with a sore pelvis and hips?
...pregnancy. these changes cause all sorts of discomfort and misery for some pregnant women. as your body expands, aches and pains are part of the package. your uterus is growing and your centre of...
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First trimester and always tired. How can I cope with this fatigue?
first trimester and always tired. how can i cope with this fatigue? during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you’re likely to feel tired all the time. this is a normal reaction to the changes in...
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I seem to spend all my time in the toilet! Is there any way to cut down on how much I pee?
i seem to spend all my time in the toilet! is there any way to cut down on how much i pee? increased need to urinate is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy and here are some ways to...
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What can I expect at my post-natal check-up?
...pregnancy size and that the cervix is closed. they will also check how well an episiotomy or any lacerations have healed. you may have your smear test at this appointment, if the timing is right. if...
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How do I plan my maternity leave?
...pregnancy and how her leave was handled. can she share any other helpful information with you? thirdly, think about how much time you want to take, when you want to start the leave, do you plan to be...
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How does conception actually occur? How does it relate to ovulation?
...pregnancy? your doctor can't be certain of the date when you last ovulated, but you can be sure of the last date your cycle started, so the count begins with that date.
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What happens during nuchal translucency screening?
...pregnancy accurately. they will then measure the width of the nt. the skin looks like a white line and the fluid under the skin will look black. you will be able to see the foetus' head, spine...
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Why am I not gaining weight during my third trimester?
why am i not gaining weight during my third trimester? gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy pregnant mothers need to gain a certain amount of weight during pregnancy to ensure both mum...
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When can you hear a foetal heartbeat?
when can you hear a foetal heartbeat? why a heartbeat can’t be heard on a scan early in pregnancy. scans are usually done when you're between six and 11 weeks pregnant and only if you have a...
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How can I find the most flattering maternity clothes?
...pregnancy tends to cause women a host of self esteem and body image issues, continuing to look stylish during the second and third trimesters is just one of those. luckily there are plenty of...
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Moodiness while pregnant: is it normal and what can I do?
...pregnancy is that it’s your hormones. that’s not incorrect – your hormone levels are going crazy now, and it’s natural that’s going to affect your moods. however...
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Why do I have leaky breasts in my third trimester?
why do i have leaky breasts in my third trimester? when you can expect leaky breasts during pregnancy and why not only are leaky breasts possible in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it is...
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Is it safe to paint while pregnant?
is it safe to paint while pregnant? best to avoid painting during pregnancy it’s probably best if you avoid painting during pregnancy. painting can expose you to lots of different chemicals and...
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How should I go about choosing my OB?
...pregnancy, childbirth and medical should proceed? if the answer is no, to any question, keep looking.
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