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Your search on pregnancy has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How will sex change now that I am a dad-to-be?
...pregnancy and there are many opinions about it. the only thing you can be sure of is that your sex life will undergo changes during your wife's pregnancy. the most noticeable change is the...
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How will my sex life change as a dad-to-be?
how will my sex life change as a dad-to-be? your sex life is likely to change while your partner is pregnant there are many factors to take into consideration about sex during pregnancy and there are...
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Can I go to the gym while pregnant?
...pregnancy. but be careful during these formative months, and remember the general rule of thumb tends to suggest that you shouldn’t ever be out of breath during exercise. if you find it hard to...
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How do I comfort someone who has had a miscarriage?
how do i comfort someone who has had a miscarriage? what to say and what not to say the rule of not announcing your pregnancy until the second trimester is not based on an old wive’s tale or...
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Miscarriage risk - what is it?
miscarriage risk - what is it? what are the risks? a miscarriage is the loss of a baby before 24 weeks of gestation. if the loss occurs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is called an early...
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What are the types of miscarriages?
...pregnancy is when the egg is fertilised, and attached as it should to your uterus, but it does not develop into an embryo. a chemical pregnancy, on the other hand, is where the egg is fertilised, but...
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Can I still wear heels when pregnant?
...pregnancy that could injure you or possibly the baby simply is not worth it. if you cannot do without them, consider wearing them for a short time, and have flats in reserve if it’s going to be...
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Maternity sportwear and swimwear - what are my options?
maternity sportwear and swimwear - what are my options? what to wear on the treadmill and in the pool gentle exercise is a great way to stay fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy, and if you are...
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Can you give me tips on my maternity wardrobe?
can you give me tips on my maternity wardrobe? the basics of a pregnancy wardrobe at the beginning, you should be able stick to your own clothes for a few weeks even though your body will start to...
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Maternity wear on a budget
...pregnancy or maybe they are going through it so why not borrow some clothes? borrowing, swapping and passing garments on can be the solution for all occasions even if they have to be returned at the...
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How do I keep looking good when pregnant?
...pregnancy at every opportunity, and those who want to dress around it. and there are clothes out there to suit both. most importantly though is to embrace your pregnant body – this is a special...
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I don’t want to breastfeed if it’s going to make me tired
...pregnancy, giving birth, and your baby is concerned. in the beginning of your pregnancy you probably felt full of the joys of spring. as the months passed by though, the pregnancy more than likely...
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How long should I breastfeed?
...pregnancy. most experts agree that you should feed your child exclusively with breast milk for at least the first six months and then gradually introduce solid foods. breastfeeding can continue, with...
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How does my body get ready for breastfeeding?
how does my body get ready for breastfeeding? your body starts changing to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy. your body is able to produce some milk by the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy...
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Do I have to cease breastfeeding altogether to conceive again?
...pregnancy to occur during lactational amenorrhea, but this is very rare. it is thus possible for most women to become fertile again, even though they are breastfeeding. breastfeeding does not have to...
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Breastfeeding is good for babies, but what's in it for me?
...pregnancy figures quicker. although some women think that breastfeeding is time consuming, it is time that is exclusively spent with your baby. when you formula-feed, you spend all this time shopping...
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Will my menstrual cycle be regular while I'm breastfeeding?
...pregnancy naturally by merryl winstein.
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My baby's already been born, but people think I'm still pregnant. What can I say to them?
my baby's already been born, but people think i'm still pregnant. what can i say to them? the effects of pregnancy on your body are visible for weeks and months after you've given birth, which is why...
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Exercise after having a baby: is it safe?
...pregnancy loosens your joints and ligaments and that you won’t be able to resume your pre-pregnancy workouts immediately. if you stopped exercising during pregnancy, or you’ve never...
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I’m not breastfeeding. Will my breast milk dry up on its own?
...pregnancy you breasts will have started to secrete early breast milk, colostrums. after giving birth your baby and the placenta tell your body to start milk production. your breasts will become larger...
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