Finding out you're pregnant can be a mixture of apprehension and elation. However, on the other side of the coin, finding out you are pregnant with twins or triplets can actually be a shock.
Here's what you need to know about carrying more than one baby:
Morning sickness
Your morning sickness may be a lot worse when you are carrying more than one baby, so make sure you are prepared for it. In the same way, heartburn will be more intense as things are pushed around to make room for the babies.
The risks
The most common risk for mums expecting more than one baby is going into early labour. Pregnancy usually only lasts about 37 weeks when you are expecting twins and the chance of early labour increases the more babies you are carrying.
Staying healthy
It is important you get enough rest and attend all doctor appointments to ensure your babies are doing well. Just like with single pregnancies, you need to make sure you are getting enough folic acid and protein to help your babies grow properly and iron, to avoid iron deficiency anaemia.  
While it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle including moderate exercise, you need to be extra careful when you are carrying more than one child to avoid preterm labour. Swimming and prenatal yoga are great examples of gentle exercises that don’t involve you being on your feet too long. Always talk to your doctor before taking on any form of exercise.
Manage your weight
Expect to put on weight during your pregnancy and a little more depending on how many babies you are carrying. However, you do need to make sure your maintaining a healthy weight. When you are pregnant with twins you should expect to put on about 35lbs throughout the nine months and about 45lbs if you are having triplets. Keep in mind that everyone is different and that you should go by your doctor’s recommendations.
While it may be a little tougher than if you were expecting just one child, you will come out the end with two or even three beautiful babies to love.

