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Your search on pregnancy has produced the following results on MummyPages:
Spotting but too early for my period: does it mean that I'm not pregnant?
spotting but too early for my period: does it mean that i'm not pregnant? light spotting, lasting perhaps a day or two, can be a sign of early pregnancy. light spotting, lasting perhaps a day or two...
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Overweight and trying to get pregnant: will this affect my chances?
...pregnancy. the chances of conceiving during each cycle are reduced by 8 percent if you are overweight and by 18 percent if you are obese (having an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20...
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I think I may be pregnant ... now what?
i think i may be pregnant ... now what? what to do when you think you’re pregnant you and your partner should do a pregnancy test together; it's more fun to share the good news. decide...
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What can I do to help my child have a healthy, long life?
...pregnancy. make sure that your weight gain during pregnancy is in the normal range and eat a healthy diet. • breast feed if you can. a breast fed baby is less likely to grow up overweight as a...
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How often should my baby kick?
...pregnancy, you should feel your baby kicking every day. it can be difficult to determine a baby’s movements while up and active. the best way to determine frequency is to count your baby’s...
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Conceiving after a miscarriage: how long should we wait?
...pregnancy, and even when you miscarry, it is important not to rush into trying to get pregnant again. most doctors will ask you to wait a few months before attempting to conceive to allow your body to...
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How do I know if I'm having twins?
...pregnancy is a result of a fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilisation (ivf), you will most likely have an ultrasound as early as four or five weeks into your pregnancy, since in most cases...
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Is it okay to go to a clinic with rotating obstetricians?
...pregnancy. this may not be the ideal situation, but at least you will know you have met the person who will deliver your baby. to determine which type of obstetric care will work best in your...
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Can I fly in the third trimester?
can i fly in the third trimester? flying is limited for pregnant women. flying during pregnancy is generally discouraged, but many doctors will allow it until you reach your third trimester. at this...
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What is the first ante-natal visit about?
what is the first ante-natal visit about? the first ante-natal visit is your first check-up in pregnancy and it usually takes place around week 12 of pregnancy. your first ante-natal visit (often...
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Can I do routine exercise now that I’m pregnant?
can i do routine exercise now that i’m pregnant? exercise during pregnancy is safe for most expectant mums-to-be, exercise during pregnancy is not only safe, it’s highly recommended. this is...
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Feeling self-conscious in bed about my bump: what can I do?
feeling self-conscious in bed about my bump: what can i do? anxiety or worry about gaining weight during pregnancy is normal, but not necessary. it’s normal for women to feel more self-conscious...
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Can alcohol hurt sperm?
...pregnancy due to the risk of foetal alcohol syndrome. true, if your partner drinks he cannot give your baby foetal alcohol syndrome, but he can compromise your chances of conceiving. a 1994 study...
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Do I need genetic counselling and what are the benefits of it?
...pregnancy, and the risks and benefits of diagnostic testing. this is also a good opportunity to discuss what options are available and what you will do if the tests discover abnormalities. your...
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Needing the toilet: is there any way to decrease the number of toilet trips I need?
...pregnancy. however, as your own pregnancy progresses and you find that you spend most of your time in the bathroom, or thinking about visiting one, it’s not quite as funny! it’s perfectly...
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Are chiropractor visits okay while pregnant?
are chiropractor visits okay while pregnant? benefits of seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy not only is it safe to visit your chiropractor during pregnancy, it is often encouraged by doctors. many...
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Is it safe to have a chest X-ray during the first trimester?
is it safe to have a chest x-ray during the first trimester? chest x-rays in pregnancy usually don't harm the baby. obstetricians may want a chest x-ray if you have or have had a positive skin...
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Why do I get cravings?
why do i get cravings? cravings are an undeniable part of pregnancy an undeniable part of being pregnant is the yearning or craving for a particular type of food. about eighty-five per cent of women...
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Blood pressure history and pregnant - what do I need to know?
blood pressure history and pregnant - what do i need to know? changes to your blood pressure are normal during pregnancy, but there are some instances where they are a warning sign of a problem...
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Is drinking while pregnant safe?
...pregnancy all influence whether a foetus will be harmed. damage caused by alcohol consumption is not just limited to the first trimester. it can also occur in later stages, when the foetus is growing...
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