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Staying At Home: What if you miss work?

There are some parents who become really excited at the thought of leaving their job at the office to stay at home to look after their new baby. After a little while though, they find that they miss the adult company they enjoyed at work, as well as the feeling of professional fulfilment.
Stay-at-home parents also find that, where they were finished work by a certain time of the day, looking after a new baby means that you are busy for 24 hours a day without much rest at all. It is then when the realisation hits them that work was actually very easy.
Studies have shown that most moms stay at home with their children for about two and a half years after which the child will attend day care. The mom will then return to work, usually for half days, in order to be with her child in the afternoons.
If you are at home with your new baby and find that you are missing work, then there are quite a few things that you can do to ease this feeling. Make a point of keeping in contact with your colleagues. Take your baby into the office to introduce them to your co-workers. Arrange for a sitter every now and then so that you can have lunch with your colleagues.
Speak to your previous employer about giving you some work to do from home. This will not only benefit the company during peak times, but will also help to keep you abreast of things until you are able to return to work. Another option is to start a home business either by utilising your office skills, or by developing your hobby.
Ensure that your skills do not become rusty by taking classes - either at a college or online - this will also help to keep your confidence up. If you are thinking of changing your career direction, then start talking to friends and colleagues now about helping you to find a job in your chosen career when you are ready. This way, instead of focusing on your current situation, you will be motivated by making your plans for the future.

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