With the summer now here, barbeques will become a regular occurrence. However, while it is important that mums-to-be are careful when it comes to eating food from a BBQ, you can still have a good time.
Processed raw meats
Processed meats including hot dogs can harbour Listeria - a dangerous bacterium that can cause miscarriages and birth defects; however, it can be killed through cooking. Try to avoid consuming any processed meat but if you can't, pop it in the microwave to ensure it if fully cooked through.
It is important you only eat a burger that is well-done, even if you prefer a medium-rare one. Rare meat can contain E. Coli and Salmonella which can make you very ill. Ask the chef to cook your burger well done and only eat it if you are sure it is properly cooked. As an extra precaution, make sure raw meats and cooked meats aren’t stored near each other.
Undercooked chicken is dangerous, whether you are pregnant or not. The best way to ensure the chicken is thoroughly cooked is to cook it in the oven first and then put it on the BBQ for the flavour. Again, check that raw chicken and cooked chicken are not stored anywhere near each other or that the same utensils are used for both.
While these are usually ok, they can become dangerous if they are out of the fridge for too long. If possible, before they bring out the salads, ask can you reserve a little for yourself in the fridge until you are ready to eat it.
Avoid consuming any soft cheeses and pate that haven’t been pasteurised as they can contain Listeria.
Raw meat
If you are hosting the BBQ, give the job of handling raw meat to someone else. It is the safest way of ensuring you don’t get ill.
Make sure the food laid out on the table is properly covered by cling film or tin foil to avoid being contaminated by flies or bugs. Avoid any ice cream that has been left out of the freezer for too long, especially when it is particularly hot outside.
If you are still a bit wary about eating food at a BBQ, bring your own. The hosts won’t be offended and it will certainly put your mind at ease enough to enjoy the party.

