Summertime and pregnancy are not a great combination, particularly during a heatwave. As the temperature rises expectant mums can find that their legs, hands and feet start to swell, and while it is not always down to the heat it certainly doesn’t help.


So whether you are staying at home this summer or you plan on taking a little trip to warmer climates, make sure you take a note of these tips to prevent and reduce swelling caused by heat.


1. Drink plenty of water

Make sure you up your fluid intake so drink plenty of water. As the temperature rises your body will sweat a lot more which causes you to lose fluids from your body. This will also help to cool you down.


2. Put your feet up

If your feet have swelled make sure you sit or lie down on a chair or bed and keep them elevated. This can counter the effects gravity has on your swelling.


3. Limit your salt intake

Salt can actually cause your body to retain fluids which brings on the swelling so make sure you limit or reduce it. However, you still need some salt so don’t cut it out of your diet completely.



4. Cool down

For some women, swelling can be caused by high blood pressure, which can be relieved by submerging yourself in water. Wear light, cool clothes and choose cotton or linen to stay as cool as possible.


5. Stay out of the heat

If possible, stay out of the sun when it is at its hottest (11am – 3pm). Instead, stay in a cool or air-conditioned room or seek shade if you are going to be outside.


6. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing

Avoid sitting down for too long, but, if you have to, keep your legs elevated by popping them up on a stool or do leg stretches. The same goes for standing too long; if it is unavoidable, remember to walk around or lift one knee at a time as high as you can.


If the swelling shows no sign of reducing, make sure you tell your doctor as it could be a sign of preeclampsia – a serious pregnancy-related condition.


