Our body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. We may welcome some changes like that pregnancy glow, but others may knock our confidence.


Many expectant mums will experience changes in their hair, such as having fuller hair, but other problems may prop up.


In a study conducted by Unilever and All Things Hair, they analysed the changes in the hair of pregnant women.



Many mums found that their hair became more greasy during pregnancy, with 32 percent stating that their hair got worse in terms of greasiness whilst they were expecting.


This is due to the fact that sebum excretion was increased during pregnancy compared with the rate before conception.


Eight percent of mums said they noticed an increase in dandruff during pregnancy, and seven percent noticed that they had more split ends.



However, many women experienced positive changes in their hair, with 27 percent sharing that their hair was a lot more glossier and a further 31 percent said their hair looked a lot better.


Others said their hair felt a lot fuller and healthier than usual.


Between week 13 and week 40 of pregnancy, there is an increase in the percentage of thick hairs and a decrease in the percentage of hairs in the telogen phase.


This is quite common for expectant mothers, although changes vary from woman to woman. The changes are due to the fact that you are not losing as much hair as you normally would have, due to an increase in the hormone oestrogen which prolongs the growth phase.  

Most of these changes are only temporary and will usually go back to normal after you welcome your tiny tot into the world.

