You asked

What are baby sleeping inhibitors?

Occasionally, babies can have something that inhibits their sleep. They can go to sleep just fine, but then wake up crying, unable to go back to sleep. At this point, you have to discover what it is that is inhibiting their sleep. These might be things that previously didn’t bother your baby, so you must consider everything. 

The following are often associated with inhibiting baby’s sleep:
•    Lights from a night light, alarm clock, window, hallway, baby monitor, etc.
•    Noises from music, TV, humidifier, air conditioner, heater, pets, etc.
•    Air from a heater or air conditioner vent blowing on your baby.
•    Putting your baby to bed too early or too late.
•    Going in and out of baby’s room to check on them too often.

An effective way of determining what exactly is inhibiting your baby’s sleep is to make sure they are asleep in their crib and then go in their room. Take a look around. What do you notice?  Do you hear anything?  Do you see anything? Try eliminating everything that you hear or see.  It may require moving the crib to a different location so that air is not blowing on them or you may need to turn off your porch light if it is shining in the window. Keep trying until you discover what it is and then your baby is sure to have a great night’s sleep.

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