Vitamin C can help with cold symptoms, although the high doses required can cause diarrhoea so it’s best to stick to a multivitamin. Ensure that your child is eating healthily, getting enough rest and taking plenty of exercise.
You should consult with your doctor if your child’s symptoms get any worse than the normal symptoms of the common cold, for instance if they have trouble breathing or a fever of 100 degrees fahrenheit for longer than three days.
- Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids, such as soup, water and juices.
- Use a humidifier at night.
- Find relief for any sinus congestion.
- Consult with your G.P. if your child has a sinus headache and yellow-green nasal discharge for more than ten days.
- If your child’s ear hurts or he is complaining that it is itchy, it could be a possible ear infection and you should go to the doctor
Prevention is the best cure; make sure your kids wash their hands frequently, especially before mealtimes, after using the bathroom and after being outside.