While you may not realise it, constantly checking social media, emails or just scanning the news on your smartphone is affecting your child.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for parents to answer their little one's questions while their face is looking at their phone; however, even though it has become a pretty normal part of everyday life, it is not good for your kids, and here’s why:
No attention means a fussy, angry child
Your son or daughter just wants your attention and they will do anything to get it. When your face is constantly looking at your phone your attention is not on your child. In fact, some parents can find it a struggle to even pull their eyes from the screen long enough to answer their little one's question. When this happens your youngster will act up and become disobedient, just to grab your attention. This results in you giving out to them and an unhappy child. 
Your child’s vocabulary will suffer
In order for your child to have a full and varied vocabulary they need to have conversations with you. This is not going to work too well if you are giving one worded answers because you are otherwise engaged. Often, when on a phone, mums can answer questions in a very monotone voice, expressing no emotion. This is obviously not going to help your little one's vocabulary or their social skills.
They won’t feel important
If you are talking to your youngster and you answer a text or check a notification mid-conversation, your child is bound to feel like they come second to technology. Your child needs your undivided attention, otherwise you may miss something important. Make them feel special by putting your phone away when you are around them.
They learn by watching their parents
Kids learn through face-to-face interaction and they can’t do that when your face is turned away from them. For example, your little one learns how to have a proper conservation through your actions, so if you are conversing with your eyes on your phone, you are teaching your child that it is ok to act like that.
If you are constantly on your smartphone, you are missing out on important quality time with your youngster; one day, they will suddenly be all grown up and you will be left wondering where all the time has gone. 

