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Winter health: how can I make sure that my toddler stays healthy?

Winter is the time of year when colds and flu are most likely to strike. While most mummies are okay with the odd sniffle, they don’t want their children to get very ill. Here are a few ways you can help your child stay healthy through flu season.

Make sure that your child washes his or her hands regularly. Flu and cold viruses may be airborne, but the saliva and mucus that carry the virus have to settle somewhere. If your child cleans his or her hands often, they should wash most of the bugs that could infect them away.
Encourage your child not to touch his or her eyes, nose or mouth. Once those germs do settle on little hands, they still need to get into your child’s body. If your child does not touch his or her face, you minimise the risk.

Check your child’s day care policy on sick children. A good day care will have a policy of keeping children with contagious illnesses away from other children, by having them stay home until they are well.

Make sure your child is eating a healthy diet, getting lots of sleep, and plenty of exercise. You could add a vitamin supplement or immune boosting tonic to his or her daily routine too, to help boost immune function.

Ensure that your child’s vaccinations are up to date. That way, even if he or she does get sick, it will be a much milder dose.

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