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When you've been married as long as I have, it would be unrealistic to expect your sex life to boast the same passion it did during the honeymoon period. Sometimes, and God knows it kills me to say this, but it can feel like mine and my husband's tumble beneath the sheets is more to do with scratching an itch and less to do with actually enjoying one another. While I know this aspect of...
Last updated: 27/01/2016 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I went clothes shopping at the weekend because despite it being the last weekend before pay day, I inexplicably had a few notes left in my account. (No doubt I've forgotten to pay the electricity bill and we'll soon be fumbling around the house in the dark like four mole people.) Clothes shopping used be a leisurely pursuit, but since having children I approach most highstreet stores with...
Last updated: 28/01/2016 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Becoming a mum is one of those amazing, life-changing moments that you never in a million years would want to give back. But motherhood requires a lot of hard work, much of which has to be done with little or no sleep. And it’s the lack of sleep that I am totally blaming for half of what I've lost, although it's not to blame for EVERYTHING! 1. My ability to reply to a text message...
Last updated: 28/01/2016 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I've long since subscribed to the school of thought that we're all in this together. Us mums, I mean. Those days when everything is running like clockwork and you can see yourself on the cover of Good Housekeeping can quickly give way to a day when your mug shot will fill the cover of the National Enquirer and you'll be forced to explain why you, your children and the family dog went...
Last updated: 02/02/2016 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I recently went for what is now known amongst my family members as Mum's Monthly MOT. This activity involves getting my nails done, having my eyebrows tended to and treating myself to a quick trim. It may seem extravagant, but as I vowed not to spend a single dime on clothes until I slimmed back down to my pre-baby weight (It's been sixteen years, so I'm thinking any day now) I feel...
Last updated: 03/02/2016 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
I'll be the first to admit that there are many, many things in this life which cause me untold stress; health worries, mortgage repayments and my inability to tell left from right when navigating for my husband, but these pale in comparison to some other things which make my blood boil. Every day I am confronted with numerous things which rub me up the wrong way, and even though I know my...
Last updated: 04/02/2016 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Remember the last time someone approached your teenage child and expressed concern over their developmental progress? “14?! And you're still out and about with your mum?!” “15 and you're still only 5'3”. Is your mummy not feeding you at all?” Yeah, me neither. So, why do veritable strangers deem it appropriate to pass comment on the progress of your younger children...
Last updated: 11/02/2016 by KeepingItReal to KeepingItReal's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
For almost as long as my second oldest child can remember, there had been issues with her older brother. Issues which required professional intervention, issues which caused untold upset and tension within our home, and issues which affected my daughter so greatly she became - what can only be described as - a bag of nerves. Her brother battled desperately with low self-esteem from an early age...
Last updated: 17/02/2016 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
My three-year-son is possibly the most inquisitive little creature I have ever encountered. As a mum-of-four, I have fielded my fair share of questions over the years, but since the arrival of Nathaniel my world has revolved around responding to queries and replying to enquiries. Eager to know how the world works and why, Nathaniel will question everything from the colour of the sky to the...
Last updated: 23/02/2016 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
No matter how much of a tough day you are having, there are always things that make it that little bit better, something blogger Franziska Foerster McLoughlin from Queen of My Castle knows about. The mum-of-four used to work for a multinational corporate and ventured into blogging to share her experiences, joys and frustrations of being a mum. Here she tells us exactly what happiness means to her...
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