The first few weeks of pregnancy often go by in a blur as we start to look to the future. And while most mums-to-be experience a smooth first trimester, there are a few things you will need to keep an eye out for.


Constant vomiting

Vomiting and feeling nauseous in the first few weeks is quite common but if you are suffering from morning sickness constantly you may be experiencing Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which causes severe vomiting. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing really bad morning sickness as you may need to be admitted to hospital.



While experiencing some form of spotting in the first few weeks is normal, you will need to get it checked out if it gets any worse. Continual spotting or heavy bleeding could be a sign that you are suffering a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, especially if it is accompanied by stomach cramps or pain.



Whether it’s due to the flu or another illness it is important you keep an eye on your temperature. If it does start to rise above 38°C you will need to go to your doctor. Fever during the first few weeks can cause birth defects so it is important you go to your GP straight away.


Pain in your lower abdomen

While not necessarily a sign that something is wrong pain in your abdomen, especially on both sides needs to be checked out. While it could simply be a pulled muscle, severe pain could be a sign that you are suffering a miscarriage or placental abruption, which will need to be looked at straight away.


Feeling dizzy

If you feel light-headed or faint think about what you have eaten that day as while it could be a sign of low blood pressure if could also be simply that you haven’t eaten enough . While it is common to feel a little dizzy at some point during your pregnancy, it is always a good idea to discuss it with your doctor. 

