When you have had one baby, it is not unusual to face your second pregnancy feeling a little braver with a 'been there done that' attitude. 


However, for some mums, the second time round is not only different from the first time, but a little harder.


You know what to expect

You know that your body is going to get really big, you know how uncomfortable you are likely to feel and are well aware of all the aches and pains associated with pregnancy! Sometimes knowing what to expect can be a good thing, sometimes not so much!




You have to cook even when you feel ill

Even though you can’t look at or smell raw meat without wanting to vomit everywhere, you’re likely to have to keep cooking it for your little one – unless you go on strike from the kitchen!



Dealing with pregnancy insomnia and a child

Pregnancy insomnia is difficult when you don’t have a child to look after but horrendous when you do! Not only are you awake throughout the night but when your little one gets up at 6am you’re up as well. It’s time to call in some favours!



You have a small person at your doctor appointments

It’s not always possible to get someone to mind your older child while you attend antenatal appointments, sometimes you just need to bring your little one along. And more often than not this means they ask questions you’re not ready to answer!



You can’t put your feet up when you’re tired

Kids are demanding: when they want food they want it now and when they are looking for a playmate they mean now! And while this was all good when it was just the two of you, now that you’re pregnant, your body is quite literally exhausted.



You have to carry two babies at once

If your older child is still quite young you might find yourself carrying your bump and your child – by no means an easy feat.



Your older child can ask awkward questions at awkward times

Your little one is obviously going to be very interested in what’s going on in your body. Unfortunately,  this means they can often ask how Baby got in there just as you reach the cashier in the grocery store...




