20 mins
These cute little lollipops are so easy to make at home once you have the ingredients in. Make them your favourite colour and flavour and enjoy! They also make cute gifts or are great for cake sales.
250g sugar
130ml water
130 liquid glucose
1 - 2 drops of food colouring
1 - 2 drops of your favourite flavour essence
Take a baking tray, line it with greaseproof paper and sit in the fridge until ready for use - alternatively, use a silicon mat instead.
Using a saucepan heat the sugar, water and glucose syrup on a medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Swirl the pan to mix and bring the mixture to the boil.
Turn the heat down to low once it hits boiling point and simmer for 10 minutes (be careful here as it is easy to burn the mixture).
Take a small spoonful of mixture, drop it into a glass of cold water and allow it to cool for 30 seconds. The pop mixture should be rock hard - if it isn't continue to cook for another few minutes. Repeat test until the mixture is rock hard when taken out of the glass.
Drop in the food colouring and flavour of your choice into the saucepan and swirl to mix.
To make the pops, drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the baking tray and push a lollipop sticks into the drops before they harden.
Cooking Time
20 minutes
Main ingredients
Recipe Type
Party Food, Entertaining, Kids Food
Special Info
Gluten free, Nut free, Egg free, Pregnant Mums, Dairy free
Level of Difficulty
Moderately Easy
If you have a sugar thermometer, the mixture needs to get to 175°C to be at the hard crack stage.
We made the love heart shape pops, using a silicon pop mold that we picked up a department store.