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Your search on stress has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How can I get my fussy eater to eat more - without a battle?
how can i get my fussy eater to eat more - without a battle? picky eaters cause parents a lot of stress, but there are some really simple ways to change your child’s eating habits. preschoolers...
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How do we deal with not conceiving month after month?
...stress ante on an already stressful situation. if you are being asked to attend celebrations revolving around babies, and you find that they make you sad, then take a break. allow yourself to skip...
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How often should my baby kick?
...stress. a baby’s kicking is called quickening. the quickening is not necessarily the baby’s kicking, but any movement as the child turns and squirms inside the womb. the sensation is...
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Stuttering in children: how can I tell if my child is developing a problem?
...stress, scared or upset. true stuttering in preschoolers is rare, and the good news is that most children who stutter at this age will outgrow it on their own, without intervention, by the time they...
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How can I handle pregnancy discomforts?
...stress are all key. ensuring that you get enough rest and that you take care of yourself are the best ways to avoid at least some of these discomforts.
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Have I put my 2-year-old in crèche too soon?
...stress associated with going to a new, unfamiliar environment. if your child enjoys playing with other children and is otherwise well adjusted to being in crèche, then the regressive behaviour...
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How can you make the transition back to work easier?
...stressful? first, practice what your morning routine. during the week or two before you return to work, run through what your mornings will be like getting ready for work. who will get up with the...
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How do I know if my child is ready for potty training?
...stress or anxiety. look for underlying causes for behavioural changes during toilet training. by the age of five, your child should be able to complete all tasks to do with going to the toilet...
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Are chiropractor visits okay while pregnant?
...stress. as your body begins undergoing the physical changes of pregnancy, these techniques can help ease some of the burden and discomfort. in fact, if you have never been to a chiropractor before now...
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Should I be concerned about bleeding in late pregnancy?
...stress can cause its own host of problems and add to the potential of early labour or miscarriage. simply contact your doctor for advice, a check up, and some piece of mind.
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What are the best Kegel exercises to do after birth?
...stress incontinence, which affects up to a third of all new mothers. stress incontinence means that you could leak urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. a weakened or damaged pelvic...
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How do I deal with my child's bed-wetting?
...stress from lifestyle changes, physical abuse and illness can manifest itself with bed-wetting. sometimes the lack of bladder control can be caused by a urinary tract infection. if your child has...
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Banana, chocolate and peanut butter frozen loaf
...stress making the mix completely smooth at the end, as the cream will create a nice marbled effect with the chocolate mixture. 5 11
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Banana, chocolate and peanut butter frozen loaf
...stress making the mix completely smooth at the end, as the cream will create a nice marbled effect with the chocolate mixture. 5 11
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Conroy Daniells
...stress relieving massage, gold waxing for the most sensitive of skins and express to luxury manicure and pedicure treatments and showcases the latest spray tan system from fake bake. lesley is more...
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New Mums Say Trial: Clarins Multi-Active Day & Night cream
new mums say trial: clarins multi-active day & night cream stress and lack of sleep soon leave their mark on your face… clarins new formula multi-active day & night creams are the...
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I struggle through each and every Christmas. Am I alone?
...stress of hosting and the tension associated with gift-giving ettiquette. i feel i don't measure up at the best of times, but nowhere is this more prevalent than christmas time when i feel like i...
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Speckys Pirate Ship
...stress that the accompanying adult is responsible for the little pirates in their care. please note that during busy times the sessions may be limited to one hour. socks must be worn and we advise...
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Playtown - Southport
...stress left on mums and dads for party planning. the kids are guaranteed to have a great time. mon-tues 9.30am-3pm wedn-thurs 9.30am-5pm under 1 free 1 year olds off peak £1.50 on peak...
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Bucklebury Farm Park
...stress and be out in the fresh air all year round and we are a great venue for birthday parties, educational school visits, corporate days, special events and celebrations. for further information...
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