Whoever said pregnancy was all glowing skin and boxes of chocolates either LIED or clearly had never had their own baby!


In fact, the reality of carrying a growing PERSON in your belly for nine months is a lot different to the way people like you to think it is. Very different. 


If you are expecting a little one, we GUARANTEE you will be able to relate to the majority of these:


1. The glow is but a myth

It’s all shiny skin and acne for you.


2. Those butterfly movements in your belly are pretty FREAKY

And fairly uncomfortable



3. Putting your feet up is something that only happens in fairytales

ESPECIALLY if you have other kids to look after.


4. Setting up the nursery is not all butterflies and flowers

It’s about putting the moses basket in your room and you’re done.


5. Choosing a name is MORE difficult than labour

A LOT more difficult!


6. Morning sickness does NOT just happen in the morning

It should be called all day sickness.



7. Only a handful of people are actually ‘neat’ as they approach the last few weeks

And you’re not one of them.


8. Your significant other does not shower you with boxes of chocolates

They generally stay away for fear of setting you off.


9. You fart more times than you like to think

Usually when you are in the quiet company of work colleagues.


10. Pregnancy brain is real

No matter what the scientists tell you.



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