Every toddler is different: while some are willing to try new things without any problem others can be a little more hesitant. If your little one is the latter it can be hard watching them shy away from new opportunities. 


Thankfully, whether you want your youngster to try a new sport, a new food or even play with new friends, there are plenty of ways you can help them become a little less reluctant.


Be the role model

There is no point asking your little one to try something new if you aren’t willing to do the same. When it comes to food or trying a new sport, actions definitely speak louder than words and your toddler will look to you not only for reassurance but also to know what to do.


Don’t pressure them

No matter how much you may want to get your little one to try something new, pressuring them or forcing them to do it won’t help in the long run. By all means encourage them to get involved in something new but if they really don’t want to don’t force them. You can always try again a week or two after – toddlers are often changing their minds.


Boost their confidence

Some toddlers can be a little reluctant to start anything new because they don’t feel confident in their abilities to do it. If this sounds like your child, celebrate any previous successes particularly mentioning tasks or activities that they weren’t sure about but now love.


Give them a choice

If you want your toddler to try a new activity or become more active, give them a choice about what they would like to do. For instance if you really want your little one to become involved in more sports activities, give them a choice of say two or three activities so they feel some way in control of the situation. You can try this with new foods as well.


Watch first

Allowing your little one see you do it first or someone else will help to alleviate any fears they might have. So if you want them to try something new let them check it out first before suggesting they try it themselves.


