They may be able to throw a tantrum that makes you want the ground to open up, or fling their dinner with a force that leaves you concerned for your cutlery, but toddlers are fairly cute, right?! 


In fact, their morning cuddles and wet kisses they plant on your face mean they can get away with anything. Literally. 


Here are 15 other reason why our toddlers are the CUTEST ever! 


1. The heart-melting babbles that are constantly coming out of their mouth


2. They have tiny feet that fit into one hand



3. They have rolls of squishy fat on their pudgy legs  


4. The fact that their bum sticks out when they walk (the nappy is totally to blame, but still...)  


5. Or the little bum shuffle they do ‘cause they haven’t learned to walk yet



6. They have already mastered the cheeky grin that tells you they are up to something


7. Their curls are little ringlets


8. Their little laugh *nothing more needs to be said


9. The way their cheeks are so squishy they’re almost edible



10. The fact that they get excited over the smallest of things: ‘Would you like a cracker?’ ‘YES!’


11. The fact that they tell it like it is – honesty is a virtue


12. The fact that they NEVER stop talking – once they learn a few words, there’s no going back



13. Because they wear their sunglasses upside down


14. Their wisdom is beyond their years


15. The way they pronounce things – ‘pascetti anyone?’


