Contrary to popular belief pregnancy is not a happy and joyous occasion for every mum-to-be, it can be an extremely stressful and anxious time.


If you are feeling a little anxious and stressed it is important you don’t allow it to fester or think you have to deal with it on your own. Have a read of the following advice and find a way to fix it.


Whether it is your first, second or even fifth, it is important to know you aren't alone.


1. Who’s most at risk?

While it is important to remember that anyone can develop anxiety during their pregnancy, there are a certain number of factors that put you at a higher risk. If you are can relate to the following criteria you should let your doctor know. 

  • Previous diagnosis of anxiety
  • Pregnancy loss or fertility issues
  • Complications throughout your pregnancy
  • Stress in work


2. How do I know if it’s more than just normal worrying?

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious throughout your pregnancy but for some it can become all-consuming. Frequent feelings of panic, fear and restlessness can be a sign that things aren’t right, but more serious symptoms include heart palpitations, muscle pain and not enjoying things that made you happy.



3. What can I do?


  • Be honest with yourself

It is important you are honest with yourself about your true feelings. Don’t try to fob off certain feelings or think they will go away on their own – they won’t. In order to get help you need to be honest with yourself.


  • Talk to your GP

If you are feeling anxious about your pregnancy it is important you don’t bottle it up or try to keep it away from everyone else. Book an appointment with your GP or sit down with your midwife about how you are feeling. Never feel ashamed of any thoughts going through your head or about how you feel – keeping it bottled up is not going to help.


  • Sleep

Lack of sleep can exacerbate your anxiety so try to get seven hours of shut eye a night. If you are struggling to settle, talk to your GP who might be able to offer you a solution.


  • Exercise

Try to stay as fit and active as possible throughout your pregnancy. A simple 20 minute walk or a 40 minute swim can help to ease any tension that you might be feeling. 


