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There's nothing I love more than a good gossip. At the time, that is. And then when the dust settles and I'm alone without a fellow gossip to encourage me, I berate myself for my pass-remarkable nature and inability to bite my tongue. But what bothers me most is the fact that my desire to gossip and pass comment on the lifestyle of other mums is likely born of a personal insecurity which I...
Last updated: 25/11/2015 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
When myself and my husband became parents, we vowed to work as a team and promised never to go against each other's wishes when it came to our children. Well, I went and broke that promise, didn't I? And, I'll be honest, I don't even feel a little bit bad. I should feel guilty and I should question my loyalty to my husband, but I don't because in this instance, I know I'm...
Last updated: 24/11/2015 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
These days the internet is awash with footage of adorable little ones nearly collapsing with excitement upon learning they're due to welcome a little brother or sister into their home. I actively seek out these videos if my newsfeed doesn't happen to feature one on a particular day because it gives me a serious case of the warm and fuzzies. While I wish I could say I'm simply reminding...
Last updated: 17/11/2015 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
It's a cliche, but I'm living it. Despite the fact it's considered top-notch material for decades worth of jokes from tired and jaded comedians, disliking your mother-in-law is far from funny. It's draining, heartwrenching and it can make you feel like you're failing on a number of levels - as a mum, as a wife and as a daughter-in-law. Seeking the approval of your partner's...
Last updated: 04/11/2015 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Last updated: 03/11/2015
I lie alot. I hear myself do it on a daily basis and yet, I don't feel an ounce of guilt. While we tell our children that lying to people and deceiving family members is morally wrong and not something that is accepted under our roofs, that doesn't stop most of us mums doing it day in and day out. From white lies to Mummy fibs, there are very few of us who make it to bed-time without the...
Last updated: 03/11/2015
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Hello, My three year old daughter run accross the road yesterday afternoon when we were out walking. I was so shocked ! , I immediately run accross the road and smacked her bottom hard !! Is a three year old too young to receive a smacked bottom ? This is the 1st time I've smacked her. Abi
Last updated: 01/11/2015 by Abby1990 to Abby1990's Blog
Filed under: Parenting Advice
My daughter has no interest in Halloween. She never has, and maybe, she never will. She’s seven-years-old and she’s never worn a Halloween costume, gone trick or treating or attended any Halloween parties thrown by her incredibly eager classmates. Every year, I attempt to engage her and every year I’m reminded that it’s just not her thing. She doesn’t like being scared or scaring other...
Last updated: 29/10/2015 by KeepingItReal to KeepingItReal's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Some women make innumerable promises to themselves before they become a mother. They tell themselves they'll never raise their voice - They just won't be that kind of mum, that's all. They tell themselves they'll avoid processed foods at all costs - There will always be time for good, healthy cooking, you just have to make it. They tell themselves they'll maintain a healthy...
Last updated: 28/10/2015 by MumAtWork to MumAtWork's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Dear Rebecca, Laugh at me all you want for this, but I feel this might be the only way to get your attention. Since last Friday, you have either completely ignored my texts or responded with a cursory 'K' You have zoned me out when I have attempted to broach the subject in person and you appear to have little to no interest in resolving matters with me, but maybe this approach will help...
Last updated: 27/10/2015 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
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